Managing Your Account
Please follow these steps to enroll with WSLH PT:
- Choose which products you need from our catalog.
- Fill out and submit the “New Customer Proficiency Testing Enrollment Form” online.
WSLH PT assigns each lab a 7-digit ID number that is used to identify your account. It starts with a “2” and is often the same as your PT-Central Login.
The enrollment confirmation sent to the contact at your lab includes a lab-specific shipping schedule. For additional copies, email our customer service department at ptservice@slh.wisc.edu. A general shipping schedule is also available on our website.
We are required by CMS to provide a place for attestation signatures. Signed attestations do not need to be returned to us, but they must be maintained as part of your PT records. Signature lines can be found on the coversheet included with the shipment paperwork and on the data submission report that is generated after submitting results. A supplemental attestation/signature page is available on our website.
An email will be sent to the contact email address with either an attachment or a link to your evaluation report. Labs with their report delivery option set to paper will receive a white 11”x8” envelope with their report approximately 1 week after the report release date.
Complete and submit a “Customer Change Form” on our website.
Entering Your Results
Send us an email at ptservice@slh.wisc.edu, or click on “CONTACT US” from your PT Central home page prior to entering any data for your next event. You will receive an email once your setup is complete to let you know when you can enter your data.
Send us an email at ptservice@slh.wisc.edu, or click “CONTACT US” from your PT Central home page, and indicate the analyte that needs to be added or removed. The notification should include the module name or ID. If you are in the process of entering results, click on the “E” next to each data entry field for the analyte and select “Drop analyte from test menu” from the drop-down menu.
You can change your entries at any time until midnight of the due date. After editing the incorrect results, click save, and generate a revised Data Submission Report.
The best way to confirm your data submission is to create a Data Submission Report.
This means WSLH PT does not have your lab’s instrument information for that Module. Update your instrument information by indicating the change in an email to ptservice@slh.wisc.edu or through the “CONTACT US” option in PT Central prior to entering data.
The yellow “E” is there in case you cannot enter a result for some reason. Click on the yellow “E” and then the blue arrow to choose the appropriate exception from the list. A popup box may appear with additional instructions to follow prior to submitting results.